The Day Plaid
We also offer the rarely seen Day Plaid. If you are looking for something tartan to drape from your shoulder when wearing a day wear outfit, look no further.

The Day Plaid is a piece of fabric 1.5 yards wide by 2-4 yards in length, with hand-purled fringing on two ends and folded (by you) until about 12-30 inches wide. The regular version (2-yard) is then folded in half length-wise and worn loose over the shoulder. The larger version (4-yard) is wrapped across the chest with the two ends crossed over the left shoulder.
Though traditionally worn without a brooch (it's much too thick anyway), the Day Plaid could be discreetly pinned to your jacket from below.
While definitely the bulkiest of the three plaids we offer, Day Plaids also have the most practical use, as they are the dimensions of a good-sized blanket.
All prices are in Canadian funds.

Regular Day Plaid (2 yards)
Large Day Plaid (4 yards)
Mediumweight (13 oz. Cloth) - $430.ºº CAD
Heavyweight (16 oz. Cloth) - $380.ºº CAD
Regimental (18 oz. Cloth) - $430.ºº CAD
Mediumweight (13 oz. Cloth) - $599.ºº CAD
Heavyweight (16 oz. Cloth) - $500.ºº CAD
Regimental (18 oz. Cloth) - $599.ºº CAD