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Irish Brooches

Brooches are used to affix an Irish Brat to the shoulder of a jacket. 

Originally, the brooch had a very practical purpose in keeping the upper portion of the brat in place. They vary in style, but to be effective, they should be two or more inches in diameter. A heavy brooch is useful for pulling the front of the brat down, counterbalancing the weight of the fabric draping down the back. 

Some men dislike piercing their jackets repeatedly with a rather large pin. Instead they pin the underside of the brat to the jacket with a smaller safety pin and pin the brooch through the brat alone.

All brooches are made in the United Kingdom.

To view other styles of Brooches click here.

All prices are in Canadian funds.

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(Chrome or Antique)
Irish Brooch Page

Shamrock Enamel

$90.ºº CAD


(Chrome or Antique)
$75.ºº CAD

Traditional Handsewn Kilts and Accessories

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